From the Publisher: A Mercy reveals what lies beneath the surface of slavery. But at its heart it is the ambivalent, disturbing story of a mother who casts off her daughter in order to save her, and of a daughter who may never exorcise that abandonment. Acts of mercy may have unforeseen consequences.
Call Me Ted, Ted Turner with Bill Burke - There was a time in my life (college days) when I idolized Mr. Turner. I admire anyone who can turn one dollar in to 15 cent. Ted Turner is "the" media mogul, hands down. I once wrote a paper on this man and my professor asked me if I was Ted's PR Manager. Whatever! The man is brilliant and I've heard he's a tad bit on the crazy side. Seal said that we would never survive unless we got a little crazy. Do you think if I start acting crazy I could be the next media mogul?
From the Publisher: An innovative entrepreneur, outspoken nonconformist, and groundbreaking philanthropist, Ted Turner is truly a living legend, and now, for the first time, he reveals his personal story. From his difficult childhood to the successful launch of his media empire to the catastrophic AOL/Time Warner deal, Turner spares no details or feelings and takes the reader along on a wild and sometimes bumpy ride.
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Pub. Date: November 2008
Pub. Date: November 2008
ISBN-13: 9780446581899
Hardcover, 448 pages
Hardcover, 448 pages
Just After Sunset, Stephen King - Does this man ever stop writing? He has written over 50 books for goodness sake! I guess he has proven that he has longevity. I've read several of Mr. King's novels and I like him. He writes in such a different way that I have yet to understand what field he's playing on. In other words, I never know how to feel about his books. I don't hate them but I don't adore them either. He's captured me like one of those bad boys with the greasy hair, tattoos, cigarettes and a leather jacket. I will always come back to Stephen. He is in my blood!
From the Publisher: Stephen King -- who has written more than fifty books, dozens of number one New York Times bestsellers, and many unforgettable movies -- delivers an astonishing collection of short stories, his first since Everything's Eventual six years ago. As guest editor of the bestselling Best American Short Stories 2007, King spent over a year reading hundreds of stories. His renewed passion for the form is evident on every page of Just After Sunset. The stories in this collection have appeared in The New Yorker, Playboy, McSweeney's, The Paris Review, Esquire, and other publications.
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Adult Publishing Group
Pub. Date: November 2008
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